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We Catch Our Fish
At Maclay Family Fishing, we only offer superior quality products. We sell a variety of canned albacore, as well as smoked Albacore and smoked King Salmon. We catch our fish directly. For us, there is nothing like a day of fishing on the gorgeous Pacific Ocean, and knowing our customers will enjoy nutritious, ethically caught fish.
Our Process
All our fish is line-caught, and we never use nets. All our fish are processed immediately onboard using the ike-jime method. The word Sashimi means “pierced body.” Sashimi-grade refers to the method by which the fish is caught and killed. First, the fish is caught on an individual line. Then, when it is brought aboard, its brain is pierced with a sharp spike. Then, it is bled, gutted, grilled, and placed in slurried ice. This spiking is called “ike-jime,” and the instantaneous death means that the fish’s flesh contains a minimal amount of lactic acid.
Captain Craig and his crew clean each fish as it comes off the line and deliver it fresh to the cannery and smokehouse. This process ensures that our customers enjoy the highest quality fish. We make our products different from other canned fish and pride ourselves on the extra effort to avoid freezing our catch.